Monday 3 September 2012

Fallen off the breast wagon again!

Here I am again, after another break from writing and nursing... it's so difficult to incorporate something like adult nursing into your day when your day is busy and full with a million things to do! A regular schedule seems like a dream away right now! We're managing a bit of nursing at bedtime, but even that's not regular, and it definitely isn't enough to get me re-lactating. The positive side is that we're still both keen, we both still feel the intimacy it provides and we can both have a laugh at our own expense when we reflect on how many times we've tried, started, stopped, restarted!

In my travels to find online soulmates who dream or practice adult nursing, I've found other blogs, sites and small hints to this lifestyle, that until a short time ago, was an unknown to me. For all its evils, the internet makes you realize you're not alone in your desires and more importantly, that there's nothing wrong with them. Adult nursing, also referred to as adult breastfeeding, is such a hard desire to get your head around, and almost impossible to bring up during a coffee get-together! I suppose just the name, nursing or breastfeeding, makes people feel that its an activity limited to babies and anything else is nothing short of blasphemous! And so, it makes it all the more important to find like-minded adults - many of whom we'll never meet in real life but we may chat with, or exchange thoughts with, or we may simply follow their progress which in turn gives us hope, comfort and a sense of belonging.

In saying this, I'm trying to commit myself to writing regularly, and sharing our progress (or the lack of it!), but also sharing what I've found, products that help, and little things that can make the nursing sessions that much more pleasurable (if that was possible!). I want to create a little community, a safe place, for all those who want to come and read, whether your're exploring the concept, or you've been practising for years, or like us, you're trying to get started but having difficulty. To anyone who reads my words, I welcome you to share thoughts and ideas and to join this little community where wives love to breastfeed their husbands/partners.

Welcome all.


  1. I'm 45 and my husband and I have recently started an ANR. It's amazing! I've managed to get some clear drops out of the left breast but nothing out of the right. We enjoy dry suckling. It's very relaxing. We, like you find it very difficult scheduling wise to find time for him to suckle. Sometimes, most always lately, it leads to intercourse, which is so wonderful now. I am more relaxed after suckling time. I am so excited about this and cannot wait until the day I can feed him.

  2. Hello there, thanks for your comments. Congratulations on getting those first few drops - you must both have been so thrilled! Dry suckling is very relaxing. Its all the hormones breastfeeding activates that relaxes us. I've been sleeping so much better since we started - it beats meditation! Let me know how you are getting along. Enjoy xx

  3. So good too hear about other ladies
    starting to lactate. I've been taking motilium
    for almost nine months and I get almost an ounce when pumping. I want to start nursing soon to help bring in my milk fully.
    Breastfeeding sounds amazing.

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  4. Hello, my name is Harriet and I'm a journalist writing for UK women's magazines and newspapers. I'm writing an article about ANR and wondered if you would be interested in contributing? It will be a sensitive, health related article exploring the unique bond formed in such a relationship. For peace of mind, I would go through the story with you before publication, and make any changes that are asked. You would need to be named and pictured, but for your time and trouble, you would receive a generous fee on publication. If you would like to get in touch, even if it's just to ask a few questions, please do - you wouldn't be committing to anything. I'm on
