Wednesday 6 June 2012

Incredible Closeness

We are reaching the end of week one of our dedicated nursing routine. We haven't managed to get as much nursing time as we had hoped, but I regularly nurse him each morning and each evening before bedtime. We're managing about fifteen minutes on each breast in the morning, and a bit more at bedtime. Occasionally we've managed a 2am nursing, but haven't quite woken up each time! The feelings are so very difficult to explain in simple words. Its brought us so much closer emotionally and physically. For me, it is a complete feeling of submission and love and tenderness. When I hold my breast up so my nipples reaches his lips, I know I am surrendering myself to both tenderness and pain, but most of all, I know I am providing pleasure. At night, it has become the ritual that gives us time to unwind and relax and provides complete "us" time. By the time bedtime nears, I feel my breasts becoming sore with their need to be suckled and I find myself hurrying to get into bed. Our nursing relationship has uncovered so many unknown benefits. Its made me feel sexier and more proud to have nice heavy big breasts that seem perfect to carry milk. Its also made me feel more secure in my role as wife, and given me new ways to bring pleasure to my husband. But apart from the sexual benefits, having my breasts suckled relaxes me, and gives me the best nights sleep I've had in ages. Often I find myself dozing off while he still suckles, drifting in and out of sleep while he alternates from one breast to the other. My breasts feel full and soft but we don't have any milk coming yet, but I suspect we need to increase the frequency of nursing as its supposed to mirror the frequency of nursing a child, which would be 4-5 times a day. With work and other commitments, this will be difficult, so for now, we are content with dry nursing. The milk will come, and the pleasure will likely double at that time, but we're in no rush.